We offer exceptional care in a safe, comfortable, and home-like environment. Shoreham is dedicated to providing excellent care and service to our residents, with compassion and respect for each individual. Shoreham embraces a resident-centred approach, where activities and care are provided based on individuals' choice and needs.
There are no set visiting hours at Shoreham. Family and friends are encouraged to stop by as often as they like at a time that is convenient for the resident and to play an active role in life at Shoreham. Whenever possible, residents are encouraged to go on visits with friends and families, whether for a few hours or overnight. Special gatherings and socializing are made easy with common rooms and comfortable furniture throughout the home.
Shoreham provides a broad range of programs and services to ensure our residents have access to the highest quality of living possible. A few of our services are outlined below. For more information about Shoreham and living here, please view our Resident Handbook.
Person-Centred Care
Shoreham has adopted the Person-Centred Model of Care, a person-centred care approach. Embracing resident individualism and choice are key components of this approach. Person-centred care is a process that places the resident at the centre of our collaborative team and supports the residents' strengths, capabilities, needs, values, culture and choices.
Our residents and their families deserve to have their choices and preferences understood and respected. Each wing within the home has dedicated staff so consistency and familiarity grows. We believe that Shoreham Village is our residents' home and that we work in their home. We endeavour to work together, residents, families and staff, to make our residents happy in their home.
Nursing and Medical Services
The nursing staff of Shoreham Village are led by two Managers of Resident Care. Continuing Care Assistants support residents with their activities of daily living. Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses are available 24 hours a day to address residents' health care needs. Staff provide excellent and respectful care while supporting residents in maintaining their independence.
Medical care is provided by several physicians from the community.
Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy
Shoreham Village is supported by physio and occupational therapists who encourage mobility and assess needs for specialized equipment. Daily services are provided by a physiotherapy assistant.
Recreation Therapy
The Recreation Department supports the individuality and self-worth of each resident, by developing leisure activities that promote feelings of competence, control, and well being. Based on the Resident-Centred Care philosophy, our services promote the continuation of individuals' previous lifestyles to the highest degree possible. Recreation programs strive to meet physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual needs of each resident. Upon admission a resident program assessment is completed where input is received from the resident and / or family members to determine which programs are of interest to the resident.
The Recreation Department supports building relationships through leisure opportunities between family, residents, and volunteers, which maintain and develop relationships within the facility and in the surrounding communities. Family members are invited and encouraged to join in programs with residents. Programs include music, one-on-one visits, church services, bus drives, gardening, meal groups, community outings, crafts and many small group programs. Shoreham also participates in the St. John's Ambulance pet therapy program. Dogs must be pre-approved by the Director of Recreation and Volunteer Services before being allowed to visit the home. All dogs must be kept on a leash at all times when on the campus.
Food & Nutrition Services
The Food & Nutrition Services department strives to provide high quality food for our residents. We have a four-week seasonal menu, which includes traditional Lunenburg County meals. Daily meals include a full, hot breakfast, light meal at noon and a larger meal at supper – the noted difference is just the lunch and supper – light lunch/large supper Food and beverages are available on each wing for snacks in between meals. We try hard to support resident food preferences by providing alternatives and encourage resident feedback indvidually or through Residents Council.
A Registered Dietitian is a member of the care team at Shoreham Village and is responsible for the initial assessment and ongoing monitoring of residents' nutritional needs. These include therapeutic diets and dishware, dysphagia assessments, food preferences and allergies, weight changes, texture changes, snacks and supplements. Assessments are reviewed annually or as required.
If you are bringing in special food items for a resident, please check with the Dietitian or RN for special dietary requirements. Where possible food should be place in a disposable, re-sealable container with the residents name, date and description of the food.
Respite Care
Shoreham Village has one bed designated as Respite Care to provide relief to family care givers in the community for a short period of time. This service can be very beneficial to families during a family illness, vacation, or other times deemed necessary. In order to be admitted you must go through the single-entry access system that is outlined under "How to come live with us".
Palliative Care
Palliative care aims to relieve suffering and improve the quality of living and dying. The Rita Covey Palliative Care Room offers comfortable surroundings as an option for residents and their families at end of life. Our staff and team of trained palliative care volunteers try to meet, not only the physical needs but also the emotional, psychological, spiritual, cultural and social needs of the residents and their families.